2019 Giving Tuesday - December 3
Updated: Jan 11, 2020

Please support Wichita Wurlitzer, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our goal is to raise $6,000 on Giving Tuesday. The money will be used to fund show expenses such as the camera and screen setup so the audience can clearly see the artist playing during the show. The cameras also provide footage for YouTube videos to help raise awareness of this amazing instrument.
The Wichita Wurlitzer was purchased, restored, and installed with private funds. During the last 47 years ticket revenue, donors, and volunteer staff have updated and maintained the Wurlitzer for community entertainment similar to other Century II performing arts organizations. Listen to Brett Valliant performing Over the Rainbow by clicking on the image.
"The music and experience is almost once in a lifetime. The Wurlitzer is an amazing and deeply effecting instrument that is hard to compare to any other music event!"
- Katherine at the November 2019 show
Please join us to support the nationally known and recognized instrument, the greatest of them all - the envy of every other city.
To Donate
On December 3, Giving Tuesday, there are three ways for you to give:
Click here to use Facebook and use the Donate button on the Giving Tuesday post. Facebook matches ALL donations made Tuesday, December 3, after 7:00 AM CST.
Click here to use PayPal Giving Fund and Wurlitzer receives your donation but there is NO matching donation by PayPal Giving Fund.
Make your check payable to Wichita Wurlitzer, Inc. and mail to 2475 N Greenleaf St., Wichita, KS 67226-1535
Giving Levels
Friend ($25+) | Patron ($100+) | Underwriter ($250+) | Benefactor ($500+) | Console ($1,000+)
Heritage ($2,500+) | Legacy ($5,000+)